Binnen het Interreg-project Food Chains 4 EU werkten 5 Europese regio’s vijf jaar samen om innovaties in de voedselketen te realiseren. Tijdens de online Final Conference op 7 oktober 2021 presenteren deze regio’s hun resultaten en kijken ze vooruit naar wat nodig is om de voedselketen verder te innoveren.

Good afternoon,
For five years we collaborated with 5 European regions (Plovdiv/Sofia (BG), Emilia-Romagna (IT), Maramures (RO), Greater Manchester (UK) and Flevoland (NL) within the Interreg project Food Chains 4 EU, to realize innovations in the food chain. This to make the food chain more sustainable and to guarantee sufficient food supply for future generations.

During the online Final Conference on the 7th of October all regions will present their results and we will look ahead at what is needed to further innovate the food chain. We start with an introduction and plenary part about what the goal of FoodChains 4 EU project was and what the results of the exchange between the regions are. In the following parallel sessions, we focus on different thematic topics and in the lunch session we combine the achieved results per region. After a second round of parallel sessions, we close the conference with a future perspective and opportunities for further innovations presented by keynote speaker JSC (Han) Wiskerke, professor Rural Sociology at Wageningen University and Research. |
Parallel sessions In the parallel sessions we will share our results and we would like to discuss future actions with you. The topics are (with reservation): Food policy; Supporting food entrepreneurs; Food community and ecosystem building; Food research; Food Placemaking; Food education; Information market. |
During the conference we invite you to visit the online information booths from the different regions to hear more about the results per region. Also there will be time for networking. Programme and registration Click on the button below to read more about the programme and to register. |
If you have questions about the Final Conference FoodChains 4 EU, please contact